What is Ao? 🦾 (2020)

Ceane La.
1 min readMar 12, 2020


Ao is Automation.

Ao is a device or machine driven by an automated ecosystem with Ai as a core component; differing from IoT, Ao covers more kinds of devices and machines, as well as the key technology, Ai, that an Ao is dependent upon in its lifecycle.

Given that IoT is based around internet connected devices, Ao accommodates for devices that may not be inherently connected to the internet, such as RFIDs, however these devices are expected to, at least once in their lifecycles, send and/or receive instructions, data and/or energy to an artificial intelligence within a ecosystem of similar or complementary Ao.

Weak Ao

  • Internet-of-Things
  • RFIDs / NFCs / Beacons
  • Wearables & Haptics
  • Smartphones

Strong Ao

  • Autonomous Vehicles & Drones
  • Robotics
  • 3D-printers

Super Ao

  • Machines for Automated Construction, Infrastructure & Manufacturing
  • Machines for Terraforming

Bio Ao

  • Neurotech



Ceane La.
Ceane La.

Written by Ceane La.


Singularitan in pursuit of achieving technological singularity.

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